
[Sax3] ブルガリアンダンス/広瀬勇人/ Bulgarian Dances/by Hayato Hirose


[サクソフォーン3重奏] ブルガリアンダンス/広瀬勇人
[Saxophone Trio] Bulgarian Dances by Hayato Hirose
Item: ENMS-84420

詳細はブレーン・オンライン・ショップで!(Please visit the link below for further details.)

♪For International Customers: https://www.brainmusic-int.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=2077
(American office) https://bravomusicinc.com/saxophone-c-3_123/bulgarian-dance-saxophone-trio-p-2700.html

Alto Saxophone in E♭
Tenor Saxophone in B♭
Baritone Saxophone in E♭

作品について / Program notes:
 ブルガリアはヨーロッパの南東部に位置し、地理的・歴史的にも西洋と東洋の様々な文化、民族が入り混じったとても興味深い国です。その音楽も多種多様で、古典的なスタイルの民謡や隣国のトルコ、ルーマニア等から影響を受けた音楽もあれば、装飾音符を多用した、3, 5, 7, 9, 11等の変拍子で作られた複雑な音楽もあり、人々はそれらを事もなく口ずさんで歌ったり、踊ったりしているそうです。

Bulgaria is located in southeastern Europe, and its unique history and culture are known to have both western and eastern influences. This is also true of Bulgarian music types. Some are traditional folk songs, some are influenced by Turkish and Romanian music, and others involve the use of grace notes in complex asymmetrical meters. When you visit, you can hear the people of Bulgaria humming these various kinds of music.
This saxophone trio is inspired thusly. Please enjoy this interesting collection of musical styles.

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